Collaboration and Partnership


Our project is built on a partnership between: Inishowen Development Partnership, Trocaire, Concern, Self Help Africa, Donegal ETB.

We partner and collaborate with local, national and international organisations on an on-going basis. Current partnerships include: working with Financial Justice Ireland on a CPD Module for community facilitators; Disappear Here Film Festival on a monthly Film Club funded by Concern; Buncrana Tidy Town Initiative on a Sustainability Project and Donegal Intercultural Platform on a celebration of international languages for the UN International Mother Tongue Day.

In 2023, we will work to maintain our existing partnerships, and to develop new collaboration and partnerships to support the progression and development of the project.

We are an active member of IDEA to support the development of good practice and shared learning in adult and community development education.

How to get involved

Contact for more information and if you have thoughts on collaboration and partnerships both locally in Donegal, and nationally.


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