Change Makers is governed by the Project Steering Group which reports progress into the Inishowen Development Partnership (the lead partner) Board of Management.  The project also reports to our funder, Irish Aid, on an annual basis, aligned to the Performance Management Framework of the Irish Aid Development Education Strategy 2017 – 2023. The Project Steering Group membership includes representatives from each partner organisation.


The project has a Project Coordinator, Myra McAuliffe who is responsible for the daily management of the project, and Kate O’Callaghan, a former panel member, now Development Worker, supported by the Steering Group and the project facilitators.

Change Makers Facilitator Panel

We currently have a panel of facilitators, from across the County, supporting Change Makers with their Development Education experience and expertise, these include:

  1. Grainne O’Neill
  2. Francine Blaché-Breen
  3. Patsy Toland
  4. Annette Patton
  5. Joanne Butler
  6. Sikhanyisile Dube
  7. Joanne Fullerton
  8. Cara McLoughlin
  9. Orla Hasson




Steering Group Members

Inishowen Development Partnership: Shauna McClenaghan, Joint CEO, Denise McCool, Community Development Education Officer

Donegal Education and Training Board: Catherine Friel, Community Education Facilitator

Self Help Africa: Denny Elliott, N. Ireland Head

Trócaire: Roisin O’Hara, North West Regional Development Officer

Michael Doorly, Head of Active Citizenship at Concern Worldwide also supports the Steering Group in an advisory capacity.

For further information please contact us on

Occasionally, we will also invite other Development Education experts to work with us project events and activities.

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