Development education for older people

The Elder Trees Series 


The ‘The Elder Trees’ Series highlights stories from 50 years ago told by the elder community of Donegal and Teso in Uganda. This, to illustrate how life was lived more sustainably in the past.

In this series, we relate to the SDGS by asking interviewees questions on how the world around them looked 50 years ago and compare it to the world now.


To view these videos, see our YouTube Channel here.

SDG Topics

The topics we have covered to date include:

  • energy
  • transport and industry
  • food
  • education
  • ethical consumption
  • life on land/ climate
  • life under water

Our Facilitator Patsy Toland undertook the recordings via zoom and the  project was launched in the summer of 2021.



During the time of the Covid restrictions, we knew we had to reach out to our older people in new ways that would enable them to reach out and to stay connected.


To continue the project, we rolled out the ‘The Elder Trees Roadshow’  during 21/22 & 22/23 programmes, bringing these stories out to the community of Donegal.


A number of successful roadshows, led to new interviews being recorded with individuals in Carndonagh.

We are currently looking for groups that would be interested in hosting an Elder Tree Morning or Afternoon in the year ahead.

How to get involved

Contact to find out more and to host an Elder Trees Roadshow this year.








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