🎄Happy Winter Solstice and Happy Christmas, everyone. Thank you to all the people who we connected with during 2023. Wishing you a peaceful, just and #sustainable Christmas.
😔❤️We hold everyone caught in conflict this Christmas in our hearts. Please visit our project partners and Steering Committee partners at @Trocaire, Concern Worldwide and Self Help Africa, if you’d like to make donations for friends and family at this time.
🌎🌱For a look back at some of our activities during 2023, visit our organisation Inishowen Development Partnership‘s Q4 newsletter.

Welcome to ChangeMakers.

The project aims to raise awareness, understanding and most importantly action for a more fair and just world. We connect with adults throughout County Donegal through a broad range of activities:

ChangeMakers is Funded on a two-year grant basis (since 2020) by Irish Aid, Change Makers Donegal started in July 2012, and we are entering our 10th Year . Over the years we have worked hard to raise awareness of local and global development issues with adults across County Donegal. We have done this through a range of activities, including workshops, accredited learning, ETB tutor education, community arts projects, horticulture and environmental projects, activities for specific groups e.g. older people, community debates and more. There are four Project Partners, Inishowen Development Partnership, Donegal Education & Training Board, Self Help Africa and Trocaire.

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