Taking action is at the heart of Development Education and we are here to support you to take action. We can provide guidance and advice and we can also work with you to develop a Development education related project.

As we move into our sixth year we will continue to offer Development Education learning opportunities to the people of Donegal.  Please contact kate@inishowen.ie to find out how you can get involved and take action for a more fair and just world. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

There is a great deal of Development Education information and resources available on the web.  Below are some of the sites we like and have found useful.


Development Education Ireland www.developmenteducation.ie
Irish Aid http://www.irishaid.gov.ie/
Latin America Solidarity Centre www.lasc.ie
Afri www.afri.ie
Fairtrade www.fairtrade.ie
National Youth Council Ireland www.youthdeved.ie
Banulacht: Women in Ireland in Global Solidarity www.banulacht.ie
Idea: Irish Development Education Association www.ideaonline.ie
Debt & Development Coalition www.debtireland.org
Human Development and Human Rights http://www.8020.ie/
Gapminderworld www.gapminder.org/


Story of Stuff (Consumerism/Sustainability) http://www.storyofstuff.com/index.html

The Great African Scandal (Fair Trade/Child Labour)http://www.moviesfoundonline.com/great_african_scandal.php

Maria Full of Grace (Drugs) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggbKf4Hmes4&feature=related

From the Heart of the World: The Elder Brother’s Warning (Indigenous people/sustainability) http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=heart+of+the+earth&emb=0&aTITLE q=f#q=heart+of+the+earth+elder+brother&emb=0

Home (Sustainability/Environment/Food) http://www.youtube.com/homeproject

Learning from Ladahk (Globalisation/Culture/Sustainability) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7846941319183318053

Water and water consumptionhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSENolWbyYQ&feature=related
Songs for Change (music relevant to social change/developmenthttp://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_OfbM7tada7HosKletGqdIqM6x6m60lu


Campaign for a Just Debt Policy http://www.debtireland.org/
Campaign for Trade Justice http://www.comhlamh.org/campaigns.html
Stop Climate Chaos http://www.stopclimatechaos.ie/
Campaign for Global Education http://www.campaignforeducation.org/
Transition Towns http://transitiontownsireland.ning.com/
Fair Trade towns http://www.fairtrade.ie/
Freeconomy http://www.justfortheloveofit.org/home
Community Gardens http://www.getgrowing.ie/community_gardens
Global people power community/campaigns http://www.avaaz.org/en/
Counter Terror with Justice http://www.amnesty.ie/live/irish/default.asp
Female Genital Mutilation http://www.amnesty.ie/live/irish/default.asp
Stop Violence against Women http://www.amnesty.ie/live/irish/default.asp

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