Through our series of ‘Many People, One Planet’ workshops, Change Makers is offering Community Groups the opportunity to participate in discussion, debate & action around four local & global development themes. The four workshops we have available are:
‘Coming and Going’ – looking at global migration & refugee issues
‘Need it? Want it? – Fashion & consumerism
‘Love Food, Hate Waste’ – Exploring the global food situation
‘Climate Justice, Cause and Effect’ – Understanding the impact of climate change on the global population

We have designed the workshops so each group can choose to host either one or two workshops around their chosen theme. The first will be an introductory workshop & the optional second workshop will explore the topic in more detail. All four workshop themes are interconnected so you can choose to have workshops covering more than one topic. The workshops will be run in a suitable community venue in or near where your group meets. Change Makers will cover the cost of room hire, refreshments & the workshop facilitator. Each workshop will be 2 hours long. All we ask is for your support in ensuring we
get a good turnout.

‘Coming and Going’ – looking at global migration & refugee issues

“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong in the world.” Dr. Paul Farmer

Migration is an issue that affects us all at some level. This workshop will consider the context and history of migration, the reasons people leave the homeland, the society they leave, their journey, & the society they enter. We will also look at the role of conflict in human displacement & the role of the media in reporting on migration & refugees.

‘Need it? Want it? – Fashion & consumerism

“Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?” Chuck Palahnuik

We will examine the history & impact of fashion & consumerism on ourselves, our community & the wider world. Topics covered
will include the global clothing industry in the context of the environment & materialism, ethical consumption, Fairtrade, recycling & upcycling, ‘need’ versus ‘want’, & the impact of advertising on our lives and buying habits.

‘Love Food, Hate Waste’ – Exploring the global food situation

“Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” James Beard

This workshop will consider food inequality both locally & globally looking at food waste, hunger & poverty, food security, growing your own food, what people eat around the world & water usage in food production. We will also look behind the brands of the top ten biggest food companies in the world & their reach & impact & the issue of genetically modified crops.

‘Climate Justice, Cause and Effect’ – Understanding the impact of climate change on the global population

“Climate change threatens to undo all the gains that have been made against poverty over recent decades. It is the single biggest threat to humanity but yet the political system has refused to move quickly enough to address it.” Eamonn Meehan, Trócaire Executive Director

We will explore both climate change & climate justice in this workshop, looking at the impact of changing weather patterns both locally & globally, the impact of fossil fuels & their alternatives, the role of trees & the rainforests
& the impact of our own lifestyle choices & how we can change them.

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