Have Yourself a Sustainable Little Christmas with the help of our Sustainability Passport

Have yourself a sustainable little Christmas in Donegal by following the guidance in our Sustainability Passport. We know people get overwhelmed by sustainability sometimes so we did the research for you and created five simple guides ranging in theme from Water & Energy to Responsible Consumption. Find out more here.

As we approach the season of over-consumption, did you know?

  • Fast Fashion results in the creation of large amounts of clothing-related waste each year. Workers in factories, particularly
    women and children, producing garments for some high street labels face appalling work and
    pay conditions and health and safety harms (UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion).
  • Ireland produces the highest volume of plastic waste per person in the EU, while having the fourth worst recycling rate
    for the material (Eurostat).
  • It takes up to 500 years for plastic to decompose (Statista).
  • Almost 70% of plastic in Ireland is burned instead of recycled (EPA).
  • 91% of Ireland’s ‘internationally important’ habitats (bogs, grasslands) have ‘bad’ or ‘inadequate’ status. Failure to protect our most endangered natural habitats and species will result in substantial EU fines for Ireland (Biodiversity Impact Plan).

Speaking of that feeling of powerlessness and the ethics of supporting some brand over others, local Palestinian Solidarity campaign groups in Donegal and Derry are advocating for the BDS movement and you can learn more about that here. The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement works to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law. Household brands such as Puma, Mc Donald’s and HP are named in the campaign.


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